And the winner is...

Comment number 1...which means Amy of Aprons and A-lines you win! Yay!
Please contact me with all of your information so I can get everything mailed out to you (need to hear from you withing 72 hours) at Thethingaboutdaisies [at] gmail [dot] com!
Don't worry lovelies, I will be doing at one more give away before we move. Mostly because I am a glutton for punishment. I must love you all so much to add one more thing to my ever growing list of things to do. I kid, I kid.
But really, I do love you all for reading my daily rambles!
Please contact me with all of your information so I can get everything mailed out to you (need to hear from you withing 72 hours) at Thethingaboutdaisies [at] gmail [dot] com!
Don't worry lovelies, I will be doing at one more give away before we move. Mostly because I am a glutton for punishment. I must love you all so much to add one more thing to my ever growing list of things to do. I kid, I kid.
But really, I do love you all for reading my daily rambles!
Yay!! That's me. :) I sent you an email with my address. Thanks so much! :)