Decor: Master bathroom redo continued
Yesterday I talked about getting organized and decorating our master bath, you can find that post here. Today I am going to talk about the rest of the bathroom. Oooo exciting I know! I couldn't exactly decorate one side of bathroom and ignore the other.
Our garden tub and huge window. Luckily they chose a window that has a textured frost to it, because if it didn't...hello everyone who is walking their dogs. You can see the matching artwork up on the wall. Honestly I am so happy that I finally found a great use for them. On the window sill are 4 metal tea light holders from Umbra, which I got at TJ Maxx for a $1 each!

I used the third pot I had as a place to hold some basic things on the edge of our garden tub. I know the area could use some more decorating, but right now this will have to do till I can think of something else to do.

I love the artwork on this wall, but am realizing that I need to move it over to the right more so that it is centered over the tub better. The metal dipped leaves have always been there, mostly because there were nails there already. I want to get shadow boxes for them, though they may no longer live in the bathroom after that.

The wall that separates the tub from the sinks has become the home to my perfume. I know that it's not the best place in the world for it, but it's where it lives for now. In the corner is all of my "daily" products. I'm in the process of trying to work my way through a lot of purchases. Hopefully soon enough I won't have so much stuff in that basket!

Back to the perfume...I know I have a lot. It's bad. Some, though, are not mine. At least five of those were my mom's. While I use 2 of them, I have them there for the memories. She very much had a signature scent and smell is a huge memory source for me.

The area between our sinks is the "community" area...we try to share this stuff. The two jars hold our Q-tips and cotton balls. I found them at a local home store. I guess they were really the start of the green in the bathroom. The only thing I really want is a hand towel stand, because we have nowhere to hang them.
I'm really happy with everything. I know there will be a few tweaks here and there, but it finally is a place that I like being. Nate was really excited to come home to the new look, which is always nice.
My next decorating task will probably be our bedroom. I dream of a beautiful yellow and gray room. Funny how I have ignored our personal areas, while the rest of the house is pretty well decorated. I guess I've ignored it because people really never see our bedroom. That really needs to change.
So now that you have seen it, what do you think? Is there something you think I could add that would make it even better? Let me know!