Beauty: My beauty routine
I wanted to start touching on some of the topics that you all have been suggesting I talk about in the comments for the giveaway (don't forget to enter if you haven't yet).The first thing I really want to talk about is my getting ready routine. I'm not going to call it a morning routine, because really sometimes it just doesn't happen in the morning. Anyway, it starts with a shower. Now I don't wash my hair every day. In fact I have been able to stretch out washes to every 3-4 days. My hair only tends to get oily on the 3-4 day and that's when I use baby powder (Though I did just buy an actual dry shampoo and will be trying it out soon).
Without further or do my very random routine (shown in order of use):
Burt's Bees: Garden Tomato Toner

After the shower I wipe this toner all over my face with a cotton ball. This toner is one that I have used forever. I forget about it a lot because it's not always easy to find, but when I do, I snatch it up. It has a tomato smell to it, which I actually like. What I love though, is the fact that it cleans my face so well. As in even after I wash my face it still pulls stuff out of it...

Yeah...that's after 4 days without wearing makeup, but still cleaning my face. I swear by this stuff.
RUSK: Phyto-Marine Lusterizer

I wouldn't say this is a must have, but it's nice and does its job. It's suppose to build strong healthy hair and I wouldn't say that it doesn't, but it doesn't do anything phenomenal either. I'm honestly trying to work through the hair products that I have and this one is good and has a nice smell. I do a nickle sized amount through my wet/moist hair and work it all the way through.
Phyto: Finishing Serum

I've got, what at times can be called, unmanageable frizz and static. My hair goes crazy, especially after being colored. This serum is a life saver and smells heavenly. I use two pumps for my hair length and work it through the top of my wet hair and all the way down. The great thing about this is that I can use it on my dry hair for touch ups and it doesn't leave it feeling greasy or oily!
Burt's Bees: Herbal Blemish Stick

Love, love, love this for my spot treatment on my acne. You just roll it on your issue areas and you're good to go. They are making a more concentrated version as well, which I am trying out right now.
Almond Bust Gel

I love my boobies. I love them right where they are and I would like to keep them there for as long as possible. I use this every other day in hopes of my bust not moving south for the winter. I like the light almond smell.
When I know that I am putting on makeup, these are the two things I use before I apply my foundation...
Prescriptives: Super Line Preventor Xtream

This is a line fighter, but I love it for how it feels and that somehow it helps keep my makeup in place.
Dermadoctor: Tease Zone

I was a little iffy about this, but I actually like it a lot. It really helps a lot for controlling my shine, which is saying something.
Well there you go, there is my daily routine. Hope you enjoy and maybe you'll find something that you might like to try. If you have any questions let me know!
What is your daily routine? Is there something that is your miracle worker?
I want to try the toner now! They all look like nice products